Process control systems for semiconductor manufacturing
The electronics industry is becoming more and more complex. The requirements for power density, efficiency, and reliability in semiconductors are increasing as well. Many different thermal processes are used in the semiconductor industry to oxidise and temper semiconductors or promote the diffusion of dopants. These must run reliably, precisely, and without interruption in order to achieve the desired product quality. Comprehensive in-process controlling in industrial furnaces is essential to do so, and is almost impossible without automation.
We offer companies in the semiconductor industry network-capable controllers that can be expanded with either I/O cards or external modules, and that are equipped with all interfaces necessary for seamless integration. our products fulfil all relevant standards such as ISO 9001 or IATF 16949.
Seamless in-process controlling thanks to automation and redundant systems
To facilitate continuous in-process controlling and avoid interruptions, production systems are often equipped with redundant controllers during automation. These monitor one another, then inform operations managers, maintenance, or even the plant fire brigade in case of a failure, depending on the security level. This approach usually avoids problems without resulting in subsequent damages.